How to tell if a shoe is too wide?

How to tell if a shoe is too wide

Who here knew that the magic number of your shoes is just the length of the feet! I bet half of you didn’t. In this article, I would be taking you through a journey of my research on this topic, and by the end you would be given enough information to have a structured approach before you proceed to buy your next pair of shoes that would fit you properly. If you were like me who used to buy shoes just because they looked beautiful and never actually tested them out before proceeding to buy them, then this article is for you!

Your own comfort is the only and the main indicator of the size you are about to pickup. Make sure you pick up the right size next time by following the guidelines that I have given below.

Depending on the type of shoe you are opting in to buy, wear them and tie them up firmly as the manufacturer intended it originally. If the newly bought shoes are only fitting firmly when you stretch the laces too tight and the panels overlap each other; your shoes sir, are too wide. No matter how much you like them, if there is no small sizer than this; then move on and go for another pair.

After putting your shoes on, walk around in the room. No general thumb rule here, but I would suggest you walk for at least 1 minute and see if your feet aren’t sliding in the shoe. If at all they are sliding when you walk, or you continuously have to keep on curling your toes preventing your shoes from slipping, sliding or been taken off, then it’s again a BIG NO-NO as this pair is wide for your feet and fit. Another indicator is, If you can see fair amount of gap between your foot in the shoe and the side of the pump, then yet again your new shoes are too wide. Last and the final indicator that your shoe is too big when your big toe is directly in contact with the shoe front toe. There should be a decent gap in between both for the shoe to qualify for a perfect fit. So always keep that in mind!

Now, although these tips work wonders with all type of shoes, the scenario changes when we introduce leather shoes into the equation. Normally leather shoes tend to loosen up over time, therefore if you have picked up a size tad too large then your current fit when it comes down to this type shoes, then the problem is only going to get worse with the passage of time and post break-in.

Another generous tip for my fellow readers of is that if once you plan on buying your shoes for either casual or formal wear, always carry a pair of socks with you for that particular trend. Always put them on before you try on your new pair and ensure the shoe meets all the guidelines as described above.

A word of warning, though, shoes that are too big can even cause blisters.

Let me hear your thoughts on the above guidelines. I would love to engage with you and learn more on this topic.

Zohaib Shaikh

Hi, I'm Zohaib. I too had been suffering from uncomfortable shoes throughout my life. Hope you like my comfortable mugshot!

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