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Before I begin writing about this article, I thought that I would make one thing very clear right from the beginning. It is that there is no one size or shoe that fits all when it comes down to a...
Diabetes is a topic that I hardly doubt anyone wouldn’t know of. According to a statistic by The Centers for Disease Control, almost 100 million U.S. adults are now living with either diabetes or...
Who here knew that the magic number of your shoes is just the length of the feet! I bet half of you didn’t. In this article, I would be taking you through a journey of my research on this topic,...
Our society and era is in the middle of an epidemic? With the raise of hands, who knows what am I ranting about? No it is not the swine flu, and it is absolutely not any disease, but there is still...
Often at times, I have come across forums and discussions boards where people are ridiculing the fact that latest designs and fashion shoes are not comfortable and are not an excellent fit for your...